This article gives you consecutive data about various stands in the game A Universal Time Tier List.
As of late AUT game was revised. The most recent form was delivered on Thursday, the 30th of August 2021. With this update, would you say you are pondering which is the best stands in the game? It is safe to say that you are looking for the best stands in consecutive request?
We present to you a thorough level rundown of such stands on which you can invest your energy and cash adequately. In this way, we should investigate them from the Worldwide well known game A Universal Time Tier List.
What are Stands?
In AUT, stands allude to different items, characters, powers, capacities, and so forth, which will assist you with rivaling different players.
AUT Tier List:
The stands referenced in A, B, and C is viewed as awesome. They are recorded underneath:
A stands:
- Gold Experience Requiem – Strong group stand.
- Snatcher-is a baffling shadow laying snares for clueless “fools” to stroll into.
- Super Shadow – force of 7 Chaos Emeralds.
- Nuclear Star/Crystallized-a slanting light purple stripe on a purple body.
- DTW – close-medium reach stand.
- Cosmical Dio-This Stand is Clear White With Black Armor concealing itself. The B stands of A Universal Time Tier List are given in the following area.
- Dribble Goku similar strength and capacities as Mastered Ultra Instinct.
- SOL-is a nearby gone stand
- MUI-great in battle and simple to get.
B stands:
- TWHV-It used to advance into Diego’s High Voltage with a Cosmic Orb
- WOU-the force of “Cataclysm.”
- Shadow Weaboo – mend 2% of wellbeing consistently
- STW-one of the 6 secret characters in Heritage for The Future.
- Casey-a charge weapon
- DPP-Its capacity to recuperate others quickly
- MiW-It has extraordinary spryness and great disability.
- MiR-an intense short proximity time changing Stand.
C stands in A Universal Time Tier List:
- Galaxy Annihilator-fair harm.
- KCAU-various punches, strikes, and incredible harm
- SPOVAOH-great harm and thumping them back
- PROJECT Samurai – uses the air against adversaries.
- ULF Kars-an extremely impressive spec
- Kars-resistant to the sun’s beams
- MiH-is a medium-went and close-ran stand
- C-Moon – the capacity to control gravity at Pucci’s will
- Samurai – fashioned and honed katana
- Coffin BOI: It bargains rate hurt making it generally excellent for cultivating managers.
- CH-is extremely amazing for fledglings.
Underneath referenced stands are less huge:
D stands:
- Twist,
- Hamon
Arrow stands:
- The World,
- Star Platinum remains in A Universal Time Tier List,
- King Crimson,
- Whitesnake,
- Sticky Fingers,
- Gold Experience,
- Crazy Diamond,
- Hierophant Green,
- Anubis
Free Stand:
- The Knight
Temporarily stands:
- The World,
- Executioner Queen
S stands:
- Shinigami,
- Sans,
- Planet Shaper,
- Gaster,
- X-Chara,
- Chara
S+ stands:
- HSTWRequiem,
- STWRequiem,
- SPR,
- Urzan,
- Reaper,
- Zenith.
As you currently have a rundown of the best stands, it is fitting to utilize your time and cash to acquire the best stands. As the updates are booked to be delivered in parts, more capacities to stands are normal. Henceforth, hardly any stands were accounted for as ridiculous.