Many game activities are dispatched Worldwide consistently. To make income out of the gaming scene, many games adjusted various tokens. A portion of the games became famous, and a portion of the games projects fizzled. The tokens from the well known games prospered on the lookout.
In this article, we will examine one such non-fungible symbolic which had shown great advancement in the market with the notoriety of the Overlord game. The name of the token utilized in this game is Overlord NFT.
About the Overlord
Overlord games became famous with the advancement of versatile renditions of the game. In this day and age, arriving at clients on cell phones is important. Overlord is a pretending game with a decent graphical interface. It has three modes in the game:
- Just single-player fights against one adversary
- One player battles ten players to endure and win
- One player battles ten players to win inside a particular time period.
The data about the organizer of Overlord is obscure. As one of the obligatory prerequisites of the game, the player needs to possess a pet. We should take a gander at the ILO and market patterns of LORD NFT beneath.
Master NFT conveyance
You can purchase a pet from the LORD commercial center. There are two sorts of tokens utilized in the game:
- LORD token is utilized in electronic games, and
- OVL token is utilized for cell phones (or) the PvP.
The Initial Liquidity Offer (ILO) for the electronic game token – LORD began on sixth September 2021. Nonetheless, for the OVL token, ILO is anticipated.
- ILO – 25%
- 100% BNB raised liquidity lock – 1-year lock term
- Softcap – 1,000 BNB
- Hardcap – 2,000 BNB
- Max spend per account – 2 BNB
- Presale cost – 125,000 LORD/per BNB
- Listing price of Overlord NFT – 125,000 LORD/per BNB
- Farming – 20%
- Fighting – 20%
- Dev – 8%, which is likewise locked for one year
- Partner and Airdrop – 2%
Overlord Market
- Symbol – LORD
- Networks – Binance Smart Chain
- Buy fee – 2%
- Sell fee – 5%
- Market Cap Dominance – 0.00 ppercent
- Market Rank – 2722
- Cost is – $ 0.01678989
- Complete Supply – 600,000,000
- Max Supply – 1,000,000,000
- Completely Diluted Valuation – $16,789,889
- 24hrs trade volume – $8,546,382
- 24hr low/high – $0.01591768/$0.01826962
- 7d Low/7d High – $0.01677537/$0.01721574
- Record-breaking High – $0.01826962, expanded by 8.1 on Sep 07, 2021
- Record-breaking Low – $0.01591768 Overlord NFT diminished by 5.5 percent on Sep 07, 2021
- Agreement address for buys – 0x2daf1a83aa348afbcbc73f63bb5ee3154d9f5776
The Overlord group has been done a decent exertion till now that aided LORD NFT progress on the lookout. The contrast between an unequaled high and untouched low isn’t a lot. This shows manageability. The general market pattern of LORD NFT looks great. In any case, the venture market is exposed to changes. Along these lines, we suggest little ventures at first. In any case, we pass on the last venture choice to you.