Pokemon Legends: Arceus isn’t set in present day times and isn’t set in a time span with cutting edge innovation. In present day games, Pokemon are put away utilizing a powerful PC framework. In Arceus, however, you must leave your extra Pokemon at a huge field.
The pasture is situated in Jubilife City and is set apart on your guide. You can converse with the woman remaining before the doors to forget about Pokemon in the field or take them. This framework works equivalent to the PC in the other Pokemon games, so it should be natural.
While you are out in the field, you can talk with the NPC at setting up camp regions to get to your field. Here you can without much of a stretch trade out your Pokemon for ones that you need to put in your group or need to zero in on evening out for assist raising your Galaxy with positioning.
You can likewise deliver Pokemon here on the off chance that you want to and check their details prior to adding them to your group.