To get back to Old Villedor in Dying Light 2, you should open a Metro Station in the Center District. Subsequent to opening a Metro, you will actually want to utilize it to quick head out to the Faction Hub for both the Survivors or Peacekeepers.
All things considered, you can open a Metro by heading inside and turning the generators and power on for the station. To do as such, first find the one inside the Center, as displayed underneath.
Try to plan prior to entering the Metro, as Metros contain huge loads of perilous foes, and ,surprisingly, seriously during the day. Therefore, it very well may be smart to just visit the Metro during the evening.
In any case, assuming that you have good stuff, you could tolerate gaining the two tons of XP and prizes assuming you attempt to clear it during the day. Regardless, you should advance inside and continue to the lower levels of the Metro. At the lower levels, you should turn on a differing number of generators. To turn on the generators, basically follow the waypoints and use parkour abilities to get to them.
At the point when you turn on all generators for the station, you will actually want to quick venture out and get back to Old Villedor in Dying Light 2.