Aloy needs to manage a great deal of adversaries and machines while out on her movements, and that implies she will frequently take harm. Recuperating in this game is essential, particularly when amidst a ton of activity. Thus, this is the way to mend in Horizon Forbidden West.
The health system is like that of Horizon Zero Dawn, however a couple of changes have been made. You will in any case press up on the D-Pad to recuperate utilizing the Medicinal Berries that you gather while rummaging. Nonetheless, the old measure has been rejected
As opposed to topping off the recuperating thing meter as you gather berries, the actual berries are currently single use things. You will presently see a sum out of ten show up in the lower left-hand corner which implies the number of recuperating berries you have on you at some random time.
Albeit the old system functioned admirably enough, having the option to see precisely the number of things you have available to you is a better method for recuperating inside the game.
Each berry will recuperate 84 health points throughout a short measure of time.