After visiting the Great Bay coast, you’ll see a pleasant breadth of skies and oceans loosen up before you. Risk hides underneath the waves, in any case, as one more of Majora’s followers, Gyorg, has chosen to involve the region’s Great Bay Temple. As a result of this amphibian attack, the private Great Fairy has been broken and dispersed all through the Great Bay Temple, and she wants you to get her pieces. To assist with this undertaking, here are generally all Stray Fairy areas in the Great Bay Temple.
Incredible Bay Temple Fairies
Where to observe the Great Bay Temple Stray Fairies
- First Floor
- One: The first fairy is stuck inside of a chest. Light the four unlit torches in this room to make the chest appear.
- Two: The second fairy is trapped within a bubble underneath the platform by the entrance. Equip the Zora Mask and dive down to acquire this fairy.
- Three: Defeat the Skulltula on the left side of the room to release this fairy.
- Four: The fourth fairy is stuck inside of a barrel on the right side of the room.
- Five: The fifth fairy is trapped within a clay pot at the very bottom of this room. Equip the Zora Mask and use the Zora boomerangs to release this fairy.
- Eight: The eighth fairy is trapped within a clay pot. Create platforms in the water by using Ice Arrows to reach this fairy.
- Nine: The ninth fairy is stuck inside of a chest atop the metal grating. Use Ice Arrows to create platforms in the upper-right corner of the room, then use the Hookshot to reach the chest.
- Basement Floor One
- Six: The sixth fairy is stuck inside of a chest. Defeat all of the Bio Deku Babas in the room to make the chest appear.
- Seven: The seventh fairy is trapped within a clay pot. Use Arrows or the Hookshot to break the pot, then the Great Fairy’s mask to draw the fairy toward Link.
- Ten: The tenth fairy is stuck inside of a chest. Use Ice Arrows to freeze the waterwheel, then use the Hookshot from the platform on the right side of the room to reach the chest.
- Eleven: The eleventh fairy is stuck inside of a chest. Use Ice Arrows to freeze the waterwheel, then stand on its propellers and use the Hookshot to reach the chest.
- Twelve: The twelfth fairy is stuck inside of a barrel. Equip the Zora Mask and dive down into the water beneath the first see-saw to find this fairy.
- Thirteen: The thirteenth fairy is stuck inside of a chest. Walk along the green pipes in this room to reach the upper floor, then use the Hookshot to reach the chest.
- Basement Floor Two
- Fourteen: The fourteenth fairy is trapped within a bubble. Equip the Zora Mask and use the Zora boomerangs to release this fairy.
- Fifteen: The final fairy is trapped within a bubble. Shoot an arrow while standing on the green pipes to release this fairy, then use the Great Fairy’s Mask to draw it toward Link.
Befitting pixies that can be found close to the sea, the Stray Fairies assist hostage inside this beach front sanctuary with shining with a blue shade. There are 15 Stray Fairies to find inside the Great Bay Temple, and their areas are as per the following:
Incredible Bay Temple Stray Fairy reward
Whenever you’ve liberated every one of the 15 Stray Fairies from their detainment, make a beeline for Zora Hall and advance toward the close by Great Fairy Fountain. After entering the wellspring as human Link, the pixies Link safeguarded from the sanctuary’s profundities will combine, reestablishing the Great Fairy of Courage’s power and genuine structure. You’ll be compensated with an upgrade to your Defense, making you accept half as much harm from adversaries subsequently!