League of Legends Wild Rift is Riot Games’ change of their famous MOBA for versatile frameworks. For the game, a large number of the recognizable heroes from LoL had their plans refreshed and improved for the versatile release.
Anyway not all League of Legends Champions show up in Wild Rift. The following is the full rundown of current Wild Rift Champions.
- Ahri
- Akali
- Akshan
- Alistar
- Amumu
- Annie
- Ashe
- Aurelion Sol
- Blitzcrank
- Brand
- Braum
- Caitlyn
- Camille
- Corki
- Darius
- Diana
- Dr. Mundo
- Draven
- Evelynn
- Ezreal
- Fiora
- Fizz
- Galio
- Garen
- Gragas
- Graves
- Irelia
- Janna
- Jarvan IV
- Jax
- Jayce
- Jhin
- Jinx
- Kai’Sa
- Karma
- Katarina
- Kayle
- Kennen
- Kha’Zix
- Lee Sin
- Leona
- Lucian
- Lulu
- Lux
- Malphite
- Master Yi
- Miss Fortune
- Morgana
- Nami
- Nasus
- Nunu
- Olaf
- Orianna
- Pantheon
- Rakan
- Rammus
- Renekton
- Rengar
- Riven
- Senna
- Seraphine
- Sett
- Shen
- Shyvana
- Singed
- Sona
- Soraka
- Teemo
- Thresh
- Tristana
- Tryndamere
- Twisted Fate
- Varus
- Vayne
- Veigar
- Vi
- Wukong
- Xayah
- Xin Zhao
- Yasuo
- Yuumi
- Zed
- Ziggs
In absolute there are right now 79 heroes in League of Legends Wild Rift. That is contrasted with 141 in League of Legends. With just barely over a large portion of the list advancing toward versatile, Wild Rift actually has a lot of potential to grow and add new heroes from now on!