Beginning March 1, 2022, Pokémon Go will start the Season of Alola Event. This occasion commends the Pokémon of the Alola Region, adding new Pokémon to the game and giving some returning Pokémon their gleaming variations.
Recently added Pokémon
Wild Encounters
All of the Pokémon below are new additions to Pokémon Go that you can randomly encounter in the wild:
- Rowlet
- Litten
- Popplio
- Pikipek
- Yungoos*
- Comfey
- Jangmo-o
Comfey will only be available to players in Hawaii.
Raid Encounters
There are only two new Pokémon that will be featured in Raid Battles during the first portion of the Season of Alola Event:
- Tapu Koko
- Rockruff*
Season of Alola Raid Battles
There are both new and returning Pokémon coming to the Season of Alola Raid Battles:
One-Star Raids
- Bellsprout
- Snubbull*
- Phanpy*
- Electrike*
- Rockruff*
Three-Star Raids
- Alolan Raichu*
- Nidoqueen
- Wigglytuff
- Alolan Graveler
Five-Star Raids
- Tapu Koko
Mega Raids
- Mega Venusaur*
Event Bonuses
There will be multiple bonuses running in tandem with the Season of Alola Event:
- Incubators will be more effective while moving
- Pokémon battling remotely in raids will do increased damage
- Gifts will be guarenteed at PokéStop spins
- Two free raid passes will be given per day
- Incense will last for an extra 30 minutes (totaling 90 minutes)
Avatar Items
There will be new Avatar Items accessible in the in-game shop, permitting players to additionally alter their personality.