One of the most straightforward Hidden Stories to find in Lost Ark is A Stubborn Writer. You can track down this story on the Arthentine Continent in the Arid Path region. Since it’s right close to a waypoint, you can finish it while going through the landmass.
Where could A Stubborn Writer Hidden Story be?
After arriving at Arid Path’s southern waypoint, you can take a diversion to track down this story. It will be in Lupen Port, southwest of Outskirts and northwest of the Open Seas. We suggest getting this one the moment you arrive at Arthentine on the grounds that it’s in the principal region without any foes.
After coming to the waypoint, proceed with northwest until you arrive at the port. Follow the second from the left doorway until you arrive at certain cartons. There are a few papers on the ground close to the containers. Research the papers on the ground to reveal this secret story. The spot is set apart on the guide above.
When you arrive at Arthentine, there’s actually no compelling reason to hold back to get this Hidden story. For the individuals who decided not to get it when they initially showed up at Arthentine, transport toward the southern waypoint in Arid way and go to this Hidden Story.