One of the most straightforward Hidden Stories to view in Lost Ark is As A Human. You can track down this story on the Arthentine Continent in the Nebelhorn region. You can undoubtedly finish it as you travel through the mainland since it’s right close to a waypoint.
Where is To Be A Human Hidden Story?
After arriving at Nebelhorn’s middle waypoint, you can track down this story. It will be in Nebelhorn Lab, north of Twilight Hill and south of Heart of Sceptrum.
Whenever you’ve reached the waypoint, travel northwest until you arrive at the steps. Climb the steps and enter the corner on the southeast side of the stage.
Research the papers on the ground to reveal this secret story. The spot is set apart on the guide above. It will recount the account of a dismal robot.
When you arrive at the center waypoint, there’s actually not an obvious explanation to hold back to get this Hidden story. In the event that you like, you can constantly do this later, since it’s a couple of steps from the waypoint.