At the point when a season discharges close by a development in Destiny 2, things can get somewhat muddled. It tends to be difficult to tell precisely what piece of content is from which discharge. While The Witch Queen extension centers around Savathun and her Hive, Season of the Risen is themed after the Cabal and their battle against the Hive.
Season of the Risen Weapons
- Dead Messenger – Exotic Energy Grenade Launcher
- Grand Overture – Exotic Power Machine Gun
- Explosive Personality – Legendary Energy Grenade Launcher
- Recurrent Impact – Legendary Power Machine Gun
- Under Your Skin – Legendary Energy Combat Bow
- Sweet Sorrow – Legendary Energy Auto Rifle
- Thoughtless – Legendary Kinetic Sniper Rifle
- Piece of Mind – Legendary Kinetic Pulse Rifle
Eight new Exotics and Legendaries have been added with Season of the Risen. Each brings a new thing to the game and are very remarkable in their topical appearance. With the Season tragically locked behind a different installment or the Deluxe Edition of The Witch Queen, not every person will get an opportunity to play with the new weapons, which is a disgrace. They are definitely justified.