The main 20 most extravagant Dota 2 players on earth as indicated by their total assets can be found underneath. These Esports gamers are acquiring millions from the multi-player activity RTS game.
Top 20 Richest Dota 2 Players
We have assembled data from a few solid sources like Forbes, ESports Earnings, and Celebrity Net Worth to decide the total assets of the most extravagant Dota 2 players on the planet.
Clement Ivanov
Total assets: $1.4 Million
Clement Ivanov, otherwise called Puppey, is an Estonian expert Dota 2 player for Team Secret. Additionally, he is the establishing individual from the gaming group.
As per Esports Earnings, Ivanov has rounded up a sum of $3.6 million from his gifts with by far most of that figure originating from Dota 2.
In the mean time, he right now flaunts 59,200 devotees on his Twitch and 239,200 Twitter adherents.
Wang, Chunyu
Total assets: $1.5 Million
Still only 24 years of age, Chunyu Wang has previously made more than $3.4 million from playing Dota 2.
Otherwise called Ame, Chunyu is a Chinese Dota 2 player for the PSG.LGD group. Beginning around 2017, he has been an aprt of five ahead of everyone else wraps up.
Zhang Ruida
Total assets: $1.9 Million
From 65 unique competitions, Zhang Ruida has brought back home $3.3 million in prize cash.
Bettern known as Faith_bian, Ruida is a Chinese expert Dota 2 player who is additionally as of now playing for. PSG. LGD.
Lasse Urpalainen
Total assets: $2 Million
Lasse Urpalainen is the principal passage on the rundown of most extravagant Dota 2 players who has ecliped the $4 million procuring mark. Specifiaclly, he has pulled in $4.5 million throughout 83 competitions.
Otherwise called MATUMBAMAN, the Finnish expert Dota 2 player is presently playing for Team Liquid. Before that, he played for Team Secret, where he really made the vast majority of plunder.
Stunningly, it took Lasse under two years to abandon a normal player with a high appraising into a genuine cybersport star.
Miroslaw Kolpakov
Total assets: $2.5 Million
Miroslaw “Mira” Kolpakov (otherwise called “Miroslaw”) is a Ukrainian expert Dota 2 player who is presently playing for Team Spirit.
Madly, Kolpakov has made more than $3 million by showing up in simply 20 gaming competitions.
Strikingly, the Ukranian brought back home 98.33% of his complete award cash from winning The International 2021.
Alexander Khertek
Total assets: $2.5 Million
Alexander “TORONTOTOKYO” Khertek is a Russian expert Dota 2 player who is presently playing for Team Spirit.
All through his gaming vocation, Khertek has rounded up generally $3.7 million from competitions.
Furthermore, the man known as “TORONTOTOKYO” has 121,000 Twitch endorsers.
Maroun Merhej
Total assets: $2.5 Million
Maroun “GH” Merhej is a Lebanese expert Dota 2 player who is playing for Nigma Galaxy.
Mehrej has amassed more than $4.2 million throughout his 61 competition appearances. In those said appearnces, “GH” set in the main three an aggregate of multiple times.
Zhang, Yiping
Total assets: $2.5 Million
Zhang “y'” Yiping is a Chinese expert Dota 2 player who is at present the skipper of PSG.LGD. All things considered, the 20-year-old initially started playing Dota 2 with the Speed Gaming crew in March 2014.
In 69 separate competition appearances, Yiping has made a noteworthy $3.3 million. Amazingly, “y” turned into a tycoon through gaming bt the time he was 18 years of age.
Ludwig Wahlberg
Total assets: $3 Million
Ludwig Wahlberg, also called Zai via web-based entertainment, is a Swedish Dota 2 expert player.
Ultimately, he joined SADBOYS close by various exceptionally promoted players, and the group immediately acquired a sponsorship from Evil Geniuses. At this point, Wahlberg has gotten generally $3.3 million through his award rewards.
Yaroslav Naidenov
Total assets: $3 Million
Yaroslav “Miposhka” (articulated miːrɒʃkɑː) Naidenov is a Russian expert Dota 2 player who is right now the chief of Team Spirit.
In addition to the fact that he is truly outstanding, yet Naidenov is one of the most extravagant Dota 2 players in the world, having brought back home almost $4 million in competition income.
The Russian gamer has made more than almost 100% of his total assets throughout the course of recent years alone.
Illya Mulyarchuk
Total assets: $3.5 Million
Illya “Yatoro” Mulyarchuk is a Ukrainian expert Dota 2 player who is as of now playing for Team Spirit. Strikingly, he has acquired more than $3.7 million in only 19 competition appearances.
In 2021 alone, Mulyarchuk won four competitions, which syrocketed him to the fifteenth world positioning. Also, he is the most noteworthy procuring player out of the nation of Ukraine.
Kuro Takhasomi
Total assets: $3.5 Million
Kuro Salehi Takhasomi, also called KuroKy, is a German-Iranian expert Dota 2 player for Nigma Galaxy. Takhasomi is the principal passage on the rundown of most extravagant Dota 2 players to have amassed profession income upwards of $5 million.
Presently, with every one of his achievements as well as his range of abilities, numerous watchers consider him to be a main five Dota 2 player ever. KuroKy made close to half of his cash simply in 2017 when he was 24.
Sumail Hassan
Total assets: $3.6 Million
Syed Sumail Hassan, better referred to mononymously as Sumail, is a Pakistani-American expert Dota 2 player for Team Secret. Prominently, at 16 years of age, Sumail turned into the most youthful expert gamer to win $1 million.
In January 2015, Hassan endorsed with Evil Geniuses (EG) at the young age of 16. A year later, Sumail was named by Time as among ‘the 30 Most Influential Teens’ that year.
Amer Al-Barkawi
Total assets: $5 Million
Amer Al-Barkawi, better known by his pseudonym Miracle-, is an expert Jordanian-Polish proficient Dota 2 player who is playing for Nigma Galaxy.
His obligation towards his group is to deal with the mid-laner position, yet he has what it takes to convey in-game too. Besides, Miracle was the first dota player to reach 9000 MMR. Over the course of his profession, Al-Barkawi has rounded up rouglhy $4.8 million.
Topias Taavitsainen
Total assets: $5 Million
Topias Miikka Taavitsainen, otherwise called Topson, is a Finnish expert Dota 2 player for OG. From only 32 competitions played in, Topson has won north of $5.7 million in vocation profit.
In the mean time, he won The International 2018 and The International 2019 as an individual from OG.
Sebastian Debs
Total assets: $5.5 Million
Sébastien Debs, otherwise called Ceb, is a French previous expert Dota 2 player. He was an individual from the group that won the multi-million dollar International 2018 and 2019 competitions, while additionally training the group to four Dota Major Championships.
The ex-gamer has prevailed upon $5.7 millionin vocation prize rewards. In reality, he had set first or second in 19 of his 65 competition appearances.
Ivan Ivanov
Total assets: $6 Million
Ivan ‘MinD_ContRoL’ Ivanov is a professional gamer from Bulgaria, playing for Team Liquid. In-your-face fans could find fascinating knowing that his offlaner position for his crew has seen him play his best with Dota 2 legends like Dark Seer, Nature’s Prophet and Beastmaster.
Likewise, his 53 top three torunament completes have yielded him a profession profit figure of $4.6 million.
Magomed Khalilov
Total assets: $6 Million
Magomed “Breakdown” Khalilov is a Russian expert Dota 2 player who is at present playing for Team Spirit. Khalilov has a noteworthy measurement in his possession, being that he has acquired about $3.7 million from showing up in only 25 competitions beginning around 2017.
Anathan Pham
Total assets: $6 Million
Anathan Pham, also called ana, is an Australian previous expert Dota 2 player.
Like several different names of the rundown of most extravagant Dota 2 players, Pham was an individual from the group that won the multi-million dollar International 2018 and 2019 competitions.
Besides, he has counted more than $6 million in prize rewards while additionally bringing back home a couple of Major Championships.
Jesse Vainikka
Total assets: $6.5 Million
Jesse “JerAx” (articulated dʒɛəraks) Vainikka is a Finnish expert Dota 2 player. He is generally perceived for his time playing with OG, where he turned into the initial double cross TI champion in 2019.
Then, chose to resign in January 2020 in the wake of winning generally $6.5 million in vocation profit.
Johan Sundstein
Total assets: $7 Million
Johan Sundstein, also called N0tail, is a Danish expert Dota 2 player for OG. As an individual from the group, Sunstein brought back home The International crowns in 2018 and 2019.
In addition, he has come out on top for four Major Championships as has brought back home $7.2 million in prizes.
After his strong achievement, Sundstein was named to Forbes’ 30 under 30 rundown at 25 years old. Of all the most well off on the rundown, he remains over the other most extravagant Dota 2 players in the world.