Electronic Arts delivered its profit report for its deals of Q4 in 2021/2022, showing how well specific titles have sold and what the organization has made arrangements for the next year. In view of the profit show, EA means to deliver the new F1 22, FIFA, Madden NFL, NHL (National Hockey League), and Need for Speed in the following year. There will likewise be four anonymous titles delivered in the next year.
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F1 22, which will be another dashing game in view of Formula 1, is set to deliver in Q1. FIFA and Madden are set to deliver in Q2, while NHL and the new Need for Speed are planned to deliver in Q3. PGA Tour is the just named game recorded for Q4. The four anonymous titles are recorded as Major IP, Partner Title, Remake, and Sports Title, individually.
The revamp could be alluding to the impending Dead Space Remake, however the mystery wouldn’t appear to be legit since the game has previously been declared. Another Need for Speed game has been intensely reputed for some time now, and having affirmation on that now is great. EA has likewise uncovered they have separated from its organization with FIFA and will begin naming its soccer matches as EA Sports FC. Notwithstanding, EA’s FIFA’s association actually reaches out for somewhere around another year, with the following FIFA most likely being the last game in the establishment with that title.