Vampire The Masquerade: Swansong places players in the shoes of a few totally different Vampires attempting to reveal a progression of plots and secrets that compromise their job in Boston. Ought to Each character has Skills they can update during a playthrough, however what Skills are the most significant?
What abilities you step up in Vampire The Masquerade: Swansong relies vigorously upon which character you’re utilizing, as each has its own strength.
Emem Skill Upgrades
For Emem, it’s important to upgrade her Social skills. You’ll want to focus primarily on the following skills when using this Vampire:
- Rhetoric: Identify and react to social conventions with ease.
- Persuasion: Convince others to agree with your point of view with logical arguments or by appealing to their emotions.
Both of these skills lie in the Dialogue tree. As an all-around character, it’s important to choose the Jack of All Trades Character Profile for Emem, which evenly distributes her points throughout each Skill tree.
Leysha Skill Upgrades
For Leysha, players should focus their efforts on Mental and Knowledge skills. The following skills are beneficiary when using the inconspicuous seer:
- Psychology: Convince others to do what you want by playing off their emotional weaknesses and behaviors.
- Deduction: Ability to make accurate inferences from one or more clues in the environment or in ta dialogue.
- Education: Breadth of knowledge about human and vampire society, as well as the formal and the occult sciences.
- Technology: Familiarity with electronic equipment. Allows you to hack these devices to go undetected or gain access to information.
Each of these skills hones in on Leysha’s ability to investigate the area without being noticed. Make sure to select the Investigator Character Profile for Leysha to get the most effective early game impact, filling in the above skills in due time.
Galeb Skill Upgrades
Galeb’s strengths lie in his Physical Attribute. Make sure to spend points on the below Skills to get the most out of this enforcer:
- Intimidation: Bend your opponent’s will, pressure them verbally, or even use physical force or threats.
- Rhetoric: Identify and react to social conventions with ease
- Psychology: Convince others to do what you want by playing off their emotional weaknesses and behaviors.
Focusing on Physical prowess for Galeb lets him push around those who stand in his way and scare others into giving him the information he needs. Don’t be afraid to throw your weight around with this character.