One disappointing error that Final Fantasy XIV players have experienced is the feared “incapable to download fix documents” blunder. The error happens in the pre-load client before you’ve even gotten into the game and can prevent you from signing in.
So how would you fix the unfit to download fix records error? Indeed, the issue is by all accounts connected with either issues with your firewall, or organization issues like store errors and port sending.
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Fix FFXIV Unable to Download Patch Files Error
Since this is basically an issue with firewalls, your initial step is to check you’ve made a special case for Final Fantasy XIV in your firewall. On Windows, you can do this by composing Windows Firewall subsequent to squeezing your Start menu, and choosing Allow an application or component through Windows Defender Firewall.
Assuming you’re utilizing an outsider firewall, you’ll need to make an exemption in that physically. Regardless of whether you’ve made a special case, updates to both Final Fantasy XIV and your firewall can make the exemption become obsolete. Twofold check you’ve ensured the firewall exemption exists prior to continuing with the investigating.
Flush your DNS
One issue that can cause the unfit to download fix documents blunder is having an issue in your Domain Name System (DNS) reserve. To tackle this, you’ll have to flush your DNS store. To do this snap the Start button and type CMD to open the Command Prompt. In the order brief window, type ipconfig/flushdns.
After you’ve done this, reload Final Fantasy XIV and endeavor to re-download the fix.
Check your ports/reset your router
Another explanation you may be confronting the unfit to download fix documents blunder is on the grounds that your ports aren’t sent. Once more, while you might have had your ports sent previously, something like an update to your switch or the game can in any case change this.
To advance your ports, you’ll have to get to your switch. This is subject to your make and model of switch, and your ISP, so you’ll have to really look at how to get to your switch dependent upon the situation.
Whenever you approach your switch, ensure the accompanying ports are sent:
Windows (non-Steam)
- TCP: 54992-54994, 55006-55007, 55021-55040
- UDP: 3478-3479, 3074
- TCP: 27015-27030, 27036-27037, 54992-54994, 55006-55007, 55021-55040
- UDP: 4380, 27000-27031, 27036
In the event that you’re actually battling, twofold check there’s not a more extensive organization issue with your ISP. Ideally you’ll have settled your issue, however in the event that not, look at the Final Fantasy XIV Lodestone site for any continuous issues with FFXIV itself.