The Crossword Solver found answer to “Pause, on sheet music”, 4 letters crossword clue. The Crossword Solver finds answers to American-style crosswords, British-style crosswords, general knowledge crosswords and cryptic crossword puzzles.
Answer : REST
Rest – n
a rhythmic silence in music
In the same way that there is a symbol for every note length there are corresponding symbols that show when not to play something. These are called rests. Every available note duration (whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes, etc..) has a corresponding rest duration:
A whole rest (or semibreve rest) lasts the same duration as a whole note or a semibreve – 4 beats.
The symbol for a whole rest is small black rectangle hanging on the 4th line up of the stave.
A half rest (or minim rest) lasts the same duration as a half note or a minim – 2 beats.
The symbol for a half rest is small black rectangle sitting on the 3rd line up of the stave.
A quarter rest (or crotchet rest) lasts the same duration as a quarter note or a crotchet – 1 beat.
The symbol for a quarter rest is black vertical mark.
An eighth rest (or quaver rest) lasts the same duration as an eighth note or a quaver – half a beat.
The symbol for an eighth rest looks a bit like a number 7 written in the middle of the stave.
A sixteenth rest (or semiquaver rest) lasts the same duration as a sixteenth note or a semiquaver – a quarter of a beat.
The symbol for a sixteenth rest looks similar to the eighth rest, but with an added “tail”.