Niantic has declared the subtleties of Pokémon Go’s Adventure Week 2022. With two new presentation Pokémon and a lot of new happy, similar to Research Task Encounters, Raids, and Egg Hatches, there is a great deal for players to be amped up for.
*Pokémon set apart with a reference mark underneath can be gleaming when experienced.
New Pokémon and Wild Encounters
Debut Pokémon
The fossil Pokémon Amaura and Tyrunt are making their Pokémon Go presentation. Amaura is a Rock and Ice-type Pokémon that develops into Aurorus. Tyrunt is a Rock and Dragon-type Pokémon that develops into the threatening Tyrantrum.
Wild Encounter
Many Pokémon are available via wild encounter. The full list can be found below:
- Rhyhorn*
- Omanyte*
- Kabuto*
- Larvitar*
- Aron*
- Lileep*
- Anorith*
- Cranidos*
- Shieldon*
- Graveler
- Aerodactyl*
- Pupitar
One-Star Raids
- Geodude*
- Alolan Geodude*
- Sudowoodo*
- Roggenrola*
Three-Star Raids
- Rhydon
- Shuckle*
- Tyranitar
- Aggron
Five-Star Raids
- Groudon*
Mega Raids
- Mega Aerodactyl*
Egg Hatches
Players can hatch a few new Pokémon in 7km eggs, including the two new debut Pokémon, Tyrunt and Amaura.
- Shuckle*
- Slugma*
- Cranidos*
- Shieldon*
- Tirtouga*
- Archen*
- Tyrunt
- Amaura
Field Research Task Encounters
The Pokémon listed below can be encountered in Field Research Tasks during the event.
- Omanyte*
- Kabuto*
- Aerodactyl*
- Lileep*
- Anorith*
- Cranidos*
- Shieldon*
- Tirtouga*
- Archen*
- Tyrunt
- Amaura
Event Bonuses
Event Bonuses can sometimes be the best part of Pokémon Go Events. This event will focus on increased XP gain for players.
- Double XP for spinning PokéStops
- Five times the XP for spinning a PokéStop for the first time