Pokémon GO Fest 2022 is set to be perhaps the biggest festival for Pokémon GO players this year. The occasion will happen on Saturday, June 4, 2022, and Sunday, June 5, 2022. Players can exploit all of the uncommon and gleaming Pokémon that will be highlighted all through the festival. During the occasion, four Habitats will go all through dissemination, furnishing an alternate pool of Pokémon with every pivot. The Habitats will be themed on City, Plains, Rainforest, and Tundra. The Pokémon that produce in those Habitats will match the topic.
*All Pokémon set apart with a reference bullet underneath can be sparkling upon experience.
What Pokémon spawn in each Habitat during Pokémon GO Fest 2022?
- Magnemite*
- Alolan Grimer*
- Hitmonchan*
- Baltoy*
- Trash Cloak Burmy*
- Bronzor*
- Pidove*
- Trubbish*
- Gothita
- Golett
- Litten
- Costumed Pikachu*
- Galarian Weezing*
- Girafarig*
- Dunsparce*
- Larvitar*
- Numel*
- Trapinch*
- Buizel*
- Patrat*
- Drilbur
- Shelmet*
- Rufflet*
- Litleo*
- Customed Pikachu*
- Axew*
- Mudkip*
- Seedot*
- Shroomish*
- Slakoth*
- Turtwig*
- Chimchar*
- Venipede
- Karrablast*
- Binacle*
- Skrelp
- Rowlet
- Costumed Pikachu*
- Pancham
- Omanyte*
- Swinub*
- Wingull*
- Meditite*
- Wailmer*
- Spheal*
- Piplup*
- Vanillite
- Cubchoo*
- Bergmite
- Popplio
- Costumed Pikachu*
- Galarian Darumaka*
Other Pokémon featured at Pokémon GO Fest 2022
Raid Pokémon
Some Pokémon will be featured in Raids throughout the event. Guides to each Raid battle can be found by clicking on the Pokémon below:
- Costumed Pikachu*
- Axew*
- Dartrix
- Torracat
- Brionne
- Kyogre*
- Groudon*
- Rockruff*
- Snorlax*
- Salamence
- Druddigon*