In the event that you are asking why your Minecraft Realm isn’t saving, it is in all probability because of a framework bug or the like. The bug is probable because of more extensive server issues, which you can register by looking with the Minecraft Realms server status. In any case, and still, at the end of the day, it is hazy in the event that a server issue is causing the mistake as Mojang hasn’t formally recognized the issue. Along these lines, we suggest regularly downloading your Minecraft Realm universes until the issue is tackled.
How to download your Minecraft Realm?
To download your Minecraft Realm world, you should visit the World Backups choice under Minecraft Realm settings. You can track down the Minecraft Realm settings by tapping the Configure Realm choice. Subsequent to clicking Configure Realm, track down the choice for World Backups at the lower part of your screen. Under World Backups, you can download your Minecraft Realm by tapping the button that says Download Latest.
Can you recover deleted Minecraft Realms?
In the event that you are contemplating whether you can recuperate a Minecraft Realm that didn’t save in light of the saving bug, you can’t. When a Minecraft Realm has been erased or didn’t save, it is basically impossible to recuperate it. Yet, in the event that the bug hasn’t impacted you, you can forestall the blunder by downloading a reinforcement utilizing the strategy above.
Can you fix the Minecraft Realms not saving error?
At the hour of composing, it shows up basically impossible to get around the Minecraft Realms not saving blunder. Along these lines, we suggest backing up your Minecraft Realms universes before they get erased.
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