Genshin Impact’s Resonating Visions occasion runs from July 15, 2022, to August 24, 2022, and happens close by the Summertime Odyssey occasion in the Golden Apple Archipelago. You can gather up to 20 Phantasmal Conches for remunerations, including Fischl’s Outfit at 16 Conches. A portion of these Phantasmal Conches can be hard to track down, as they’re locked behind Mirages and Hidden Exploration Objectives. Peruse on to track down the area of an elusive Conch in Twinning Isle.
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Where to find the hidden Phantasmal Conch in Twinning Isle in Genshin Impact
Prior to beginning your pursuit, you want to open the Immernachtreich by finishing each of the three pieces of Fischl’s Mirage:
- Immernachtreich Apokalypse Part 1
- Immernachtreich Apokalypse Part 2
- Immernachtreich Apokalypse Part 3
Whenever you’ve finished each of the three, you’ll be allowed to investigate the changed Twinning Isle, where the Phantasmal Conch is covered up.

Make a beeline for the little islet north of the Twinning Isle — its careful area is circumnavigated in the picture above. When you’re there, you’ll find three Night Ravens gazing at a well. Converse with every one of the three Night Ravens. From that point forward, you’ll get another association with the well, called Throw Stone. You can forfeit any three metals to provoke an Imaging Conch to surface.
Remember to cooperate with the Imaging Conch for it to figure in with the Resonating Visions occasion! A similar Conch bends over as Misplaced Conch 3, which is a Quest Item for one more evenhanded in the Golden Apple Archipelago.
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