Slaanesh’s domain is likely the trickiest to finish not on the grounds that it is troublesome, rather it has a confounding design. You should drop various layers of this domain individually through the various entryways.
Claiming the soul
The best technique is to go through the entryways to arrive at the crucial fight at the middle by rapidly going through the Chaos domain. Rout the powers at the middle, and the spirit will be yours. The principle subject of this domain, similar to the dull ruler, is enticement. As you go through each door, the prizes will increment, including new buffs and stores of gold. This passes on you to conclude whether you incline toward a quick award or the spirit.
Tips for the Realm of Slaanesh
You should enter the domain before some other groups do. As expressed previously, this domain is layered. Assuming some group enters before you, there is a high opportunity they will challenge Slaanesh first. Assuming you bring a sufficient armed force, the more modest Slaanesh powers in the domain won’t challenge you. This permits you to make a quick way towards the middle.