In V Rising, one of the keys to endurance is keeping away from the sun. This should be possible by adhering to the shadows during the day. In any case, assembling a rooftop over your base will permit you to work openly during the day and give uninvolved rewards to creating.
How to Build a Castle Room
To construct a rooftop, you will initially have to make a room encompassed by supported dividers. These are in your creating menu under Castle, Walls, Reinforced Wall. You can add entryways and windows to this room, if they are utilizing the built up structure. You will then, at that point, need to cover the whole floor with palace flooring, found under Castle, Floors, Castle Flooring. You can utilize any sort of ground surface, yet every square between the supported dividers should covered with floor. Whenever you’ve done this accurately, the game will naturally build a rooftop over the room.
Room Bonuses
You ought to house your making stations inside this room, as you’ll get rewards for creating on the off chance that you do. On the off chance that your creating station is in a bound palace room, you get a 25% reward on making and refinement rate. Whenever you’ve opened Forge Floors, you ought to change to this deck type. It gives you a 25% diminished cost toward creating a thing.