The Leviathan and Emperor Calus have gotten back to Destiny 2. However the great world-eating boat may be a forsaken shadow of its previous self, it is no less confounding to explore. Intensifying this is the way that Bungie picked not to incorporate a guide of the new watch zone.
Derelict Leviathan Map
There are three primary regions in the new watch zone: the Castellum, the Royal Pools, and the Pleasure Gardens. There are numerous winding foyers that interface every one of the zones alongside a couple of lobbies that apparently turn into dead end. We’ve variety coded the guide to assist with separating between the primary level and lower levels.
We’ve additionally denoted the guide with various focal points like the areas of Opulent Key Chests and Bobbleheads. We’ll ensure update the guide as we find more.
The Derelict Leviathan appears to be a major rambling wreck, yet when Guardians begin investigating more, it will the entire get sorted out and be simpler to explore. It’s as yet inquisitive concerning why Bungie picked not to incorporate a guide.