Assuming you’re hoping to get the difficult to find Ditto in Pokémon GO, this guide will take you through each of the best and most straightforward ways of doing as such. Same can’t simply be tracked down on the guide, yet in the event that you get the right Pokémon you can find it all the more proficiently. This guide tells you precisely which Pokémon might conceivably be a Ditto.
The most effective method to track down Ditto in Pokémon GO
This is where it gets a piece confounded to track down a Ditto. The Pokémon doesn’t appear in the wild ordinarily. Rather than showing up, it will impersonate explicit Pokémon that you should catch and will just uncover itself whenever you have gotten it. At the point when you get one of the recorded Pokémon, you will see “Really?” over the Pokéball and will then, at that point, be shown that the Pokémon was as a matter of fact a Ditto.
Where to Find Ditto in Pokémon GO – Ditto Disguises List
Coming up next is a rundown of Pokémon that could possibly be a Ditto. You will need to mass catch them. Ideally you live in a space that has a ton of them around. The beneficial thing for us is that Niantic has made most of these potential Dittos genuinely normal. Here is a rundown of those Pokémon:
- Dwebble
- Ekans
- Finneon
- Gastly
- Lillipup
- Natu
- Surskit
- Swirlix
Ditto’s Move Set List in Pokémon GO
Same has two unique maneuvers. One is Transform, which is Ditto’s primary fascination. You utilize this transition to change into the Pokémon you are presently doing combating against. You then gain their move set. The other move it has is Struggle. This is an extremely frail Normal move that causes next to no harm. Thus, it’s improbable you’d at any point need to utilize it; you will probably be changing the vast majority of the time.
At the point when Ditto changes into another Pokémon, it keeps its own IVs, level, and HP. It takes the base details of the Pokémon it changes into, and it has their moves and types. Thus, in the event that you have a more significant level Ditto than the Pokémon you are changing into, your CP will be higher than that of the Pokémon you are doing combating.