In the Genshin Impact 2.4 livestream, engineer miHoYo reported another skin for Ningguang, the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing and a four-star Geo impetus client whose abundance is represented through the slippery Jade Chamber.
Ningguang is a significant person in Liyue, having assumed an immense part in its monetary turn of events and its triumph against Osial. Also regardless of her affection for Mora, she’s demonstrated to forfeit the Jade Chamber for the country.
Ningguang’s first skin, the Orchid Evening Gown, can be gotten from the Fleeting Colors in Flight occasion, which runs until Feb. 12, 2022. Head to the occasion page and select The Moon’s Comely Brow and guarantee the Outfit by finishing the accompanying targets:
- Acquire 2,400 Affluence Talismans
- Acquire 2,200 Immaculate Talismans
- Acquire 1,800 Conquest Talismans
You don’t need to trade these Talismans to guarantee the Outfit. Essentially get the predetermined number of each, and you can get the Orchid Evening Gown.
After the occasion is finished, Ningguang’s skin can be bought from the Shop for 1,680 Genesis Crystals. These monetary standards must be acquired by going through continuous on earth cash.