There are extraordinary Fairy-type moves in Pokémon Legends: Arceus. The most remarkable moves are Moonblast, Play Rough, and Springtide Storm. Fairy type moves can be a colossal resource in fight since they are particularly compelling against Fighting, Dark, and the strong Dragon-type Pokémon in the game.
Other Fairy-type moves in Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Move Name : Category : Power : Accuracy : PP : Effects
- Moonblast Special 95 100 15 May lower opponent’s
special attack stat - Play Rough Physical 90 90 10 May lower opponent’s
attack stat - Springtide Storm Special 95 80 5 –
- Dazzling Gleam Special 80 100 10 Hits all adjacent
opponents - Baby-Doll Eyes Status – 100 30 User always goes first with this move
Lowers opponent’s attack stat - Draining Kiss Special 50 100 10 User recovers a large amount
of HP inflicted - Fairy Wind Special 40 100 30 –
Fairy type moves can come in incredibly helpful, yet players ought to make certain to note whether a move is a physical or extraordinary assault as this can affect how great a Pokémon is at utilizing that move. Most Pokémon have details that make them more fit to one sort of move over the other.