Every Adventurer’s Tome has a variety of collectibles for you to find to 100% every district. At the highest point of the Adventurer’s Tome, there are seven drops for East Luterra. One of the seven is a collectible called Nahun’s Key.
How to get Nahun’s Key in East Luterra?
Nahun’s Key must be gotten on the landmass of East Luterra. However, no specific foe type will drop it. All things being equal, you can view these as drops from any beast in the East Luterra area.
Nahun’s Key is the second collectible you really want out of the seven, and along these lines, you will find this drop higher than whatever else to one side. However to counter this, you really want to find 25 Nahun’s Key to finish the collectible section.
Then again, you can farm every prison in East Luterra on numerous occasions and expectation for drops from the chief and different adversaries inside.
The accompanying different collectibles you really want to finish the East Luterra’s Adventurer’s Tome are:
- Eagle Ring
- Gold Coin of the Dead
- Legend of Luoden River
- Dagger of the High Priest
- Collected Stories of the Luterran Knights
- Black Fox Flag