In Elden Ring, players should settle on a couple of decisions that will change the world in the Lands Between. Submitting a cardinal sin like consuming the Erdtree will be followed with a cutscene, and you’ll be once again at Lyndell. Be that as it may, it will be known as the Ashen Capital rather than the Royal City.
In the wake of arriving at Lyndell, Ashen Capital, players should advance towards the Elden Throne. While a large portion of the entryways would be impeded by sand, there are a couple of ways players can take. Embrace the passed on side of the territory to arrive at the flight of stairs displayed in the picture beneath, this drives straightforwardly to the Elden Sanctuary Site of Grace.
You will meet Sir Gideon the All-Knowing at the Elden Sanctuary. Rout him and move up the tree limb that leads towards the Queen’s Bedchamber Site of Grace. From here players can enter the Elden Throne where they’ll battle Hoarah Loux.
Additionally, assuming players adhere to the right side in the wake of arriving at Lyndell, Ashen Capital, they’ll track down the remaining parts of a colossal dark mythical beast. Get on its wing to find the stepping stool displayed in the picture above. This will lead players inside the palace from where you can visit the Isolated Divine Tower situated in the sea.
There is likewise a sewer that players can take subsequent to arriving at Lyndell, Ashen Capital. This leads down to the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds where players will battle Morg, the Omen. These are the ways players can take subsequent to consuming the Erdtree and arriving at the capital.