The most recent Fortnite update delivered the Resistance Week 8 Quests to the game, and players need to finish each phase of these difficulties to procure XP. One of the Quests expects players to gather signal jammers submitted by the Imagined Request to stop the Seven. Finishing this Quest will compensate players with 23,000 XP.
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Where to establish device uplink near Logjam Lumberyard or Shifty Shafts in Fortnite?
To begin this Quest, players will initially need to lay out a gadget uplink close to Logjam Lumberyard or Shifty Shafts. Follow the guide picture above to land any of the areas set apart with red circles to begin the main phase of this Quest.
Whenever that is done, players should make a beeline for different areas around the guide to gather signal jammers. You will just need to gather three sign jammers to finish this phase of the Quest. Players can follow the guide reference above to find every one of the three sign jammers.
The first is found north close to Seven Outpost II, on the northern side of the guide. The subsequent one is situated on a mountain east of Logjam Lumberyard. Additionally, players will find the third sign jammer on top of a precipice found south of Command Cavern.
In the wake of gathering every one of the three sign jammers, the last phase of this Quest expects players to swim in the water. Bounce inside any of the water bodies you see track down all over the guide to finish this stage and acquire 23,000 XP.