The Monster Hunter World and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt coordinated effort delivered for MHW as a component of the 6.0 fix. It added another Monster to battle and a journey that let you pay as Geralt of Rivia. In any case, with a couple of side journeys, a convoluted examination (contrasted with the typical Monster Hunter World ones), and one of the most baffling battles from a non-High Rank beast, this mission can be an extreme one. This is the way to finish the entire Witcher cooperation in MHW.
Examine The Anomaly at the Research Base
The principal phase of the Witcher journeys is to finished a short mission called Investigate The Anomaly at the Research Base. This will show up whenever you’ve gotten to the Coral Highlands and accessed the Research Base. This mission is short, and expects you to track down a Nekker in the Ancient Forest. Whenever you’ve finished this, you’ll go to the Research Base and have the option to converse with Geralt of Rivia to begin a mission where you play as him. Conversing with Geralt and tolerating the journey allows you to assume command over him in the mission Completing Contract: Trouble in the Ancient Forest.
Finishing Contract: Trouble in the Ancient Forest
In the wake of conversing with the main commission part, you can travel north or west. Traveling West will lead you to a dead Aptonoth in Area 2 which you can look for hints. This will open a path of dark plumes for you to follow. Following them will lead you to one more dead Aptonath in Area 1. You’ll have to the dark birds encompassing the dead Monster utilizing the Witcher’s Igni capacity
Traveling north will lead you to a diary which will provide you with a path of impressions to follow. These impressions will ultimately lead you to tree establishes in a cavern. From that point head to Area 9 and salvage the specialist. Presently you’ll have addressed all the examination pieces of information, and assuming you head to Area 12 you’ll begin the battle with the Leshen. You’ll need to finish any Side Quests prior to beginning this battle.
Monster Hunter World Witcher Side Quests
There are two potential Side Quests in the Completing Contract: Trouble in the Ancient Forest mission. The first shows up in the little way driving between Area 1 and Area 9. You’ll find a red-stamped set of drawings on a stone face. This will initiate a sidequest called Side Quest: The Chief Issue. To finish this journey you’ll have to have opened every one of the Palico Gadgets before the mission.
Optional Quest: Save the Pukei
The subsequent Side Quest is to save a Pukei. Liberating the Pukei you find caught in Area 8 will actuate the side journey Optional Side Quest: Pukei in Peril. Whenever you’ve liberated the Pukei utilizing Igni, it’ll help you in the battle against the Leshen. What’s more, on the off chance that the Pukei gets by, you’ll get an Attack Jewel 1 as a little something extra prize. The most ideal way to get this done is to utilize the Dust of Life that you start the mission with, yet additionally utilize the EZ Dust of Life from the Chest at Base Camp.
Fighting the Leshen
Whenever you’ve finished the Side Quests now is the right time to battle the Leshen. This is a troublesome battle with a couple of kinks to it. First is the Leshen’s crows. He’ll continually bring crows which will bargain detached harm to you while you’re inside scuffle range. These can be dissipated by utilizing Igni, however you’ll have to have Igni available for a portion of his other capacity, so possibly use it in the event that you’re truly battling.
His foundations are one more significant wellspring of assaults. He has three fundamental root assaults. One that brings roots close around him which knock you up, a line of roots that shoots towards you, and a mass of roots that can keep you from going after. The initial two assaults ought to be evaded, while the divider can be dispatched with Igni.
The Leshen has two skirmish assaults. A normal swipe and a second more remarkable one that incurs drain. This is particularly irritating with this other primary wellspring of harm: Summoned Jagras’. He will continually bring Jagras to go after you. This can be alleviated by breaking his Antlers on his head. Any other way, you’ll simply need to utilize Igni again to consume with smoldering heat the Jagras.
Most ideal way to beat the Leshen
Toxic substance and Paralysis are the absolute most effective ways to harm the Leshen. Fortunately, the battle will ordinarily take you to Area 6, where toxic substance cups will permit you to make harming zones for the Leshen. Also, you can involve the Poison Knives and Paralysis Knives in the Chest at any Camp. In the event that you’ve protected the Pukei, he’ll likewise have the option to harm the Leshen, managing extraordinary harm. Furthermore, as most beasts, he’s truly powerless to Mounting and Knockdowns.
MHW Witcher quest rewards
- Hunter Runestone
- Attack Boost Decoration (Rescue and keep the Pukei alive for the decoration)
- 19800 Zeny
MHW Witcher quest unlocks
- Leshen hunts and Investigations
- Witcher’s Silver Sword
- Witchers Silver Sword +
- Geralt Alpha Armor Set (Full Armor Set)