While playing Lost Ark, you can acquire various collectibles as remunerations subsequent to looking through across the Procyon Sea, one of which is known as the Giant’s Heart. As illustrated in the Collectibles list, there are various approaches to gaining these collectibles. There are likewise various prizes that you can open by visiting Wisdom Isle and talking with Minerva.
How to get the fifteenth Giant’s Heart in Wisdom Isle in Lost Ark
The Fifteenth Giant’s Heart is the last one that you can get and carves out opportunity to gain. To get it, you want to have finished the past 14 Giant’s all’s Hearts necessities. Whenever you’ve gotten the fourteenth Giant’s Heart, you will approach a journey named Reinvigorating Giant’s Heart promptly a while later as a prize for finishing it. To finish the journey, you should finish the Tier 2 Abyssal Dungeon, called Gate of Paradise. Deep Dungeons can be begun at the Abyssal Dungeon Board in the Military District.
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When you complete it, you will have the Giant’s Heart consequently bound to your personality. Since it is the last Giant’s Heart you can procure, you’ll likewise have the valuable chance to acquire the Giant’s Secret Chest compensation from Minerva on Wisdom Isle. This prize awards you both the Resonance of Soul title and the Giant’s Hand Statue for your fortification.
Where is Minerva on Wisdom Isle in Lost Ark?
Astuteness Isle is situated in the Platina Ocean of the Procyon Sea, which is straightforwardly east of East Luterra. At the point when you show up, you will track down Minerva inside the front entry of the library.

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