Weapon mechanics are a critical component in Call of Duty Mobile. Thus, players get a lot of space to change, update and customize their weapons in both structure, and capability. Every weapon has their own arrangement of difficulties that players can finish, to open different things like connections and camos. Nonetheless, opening camos from the Completionist set like Gold, Platinum, and Damascus require a tremendous exertion by the player, which includes opening any remaining grindable camos for a specific firearm.
The most sought after camo from the Completionist set is the Diamond camo. Inferable from the gigantic drudgery expected to open it, it involves distinction for players, and an opportunity to flaunt their commitment to the game. In this aide, we’ll separate every one of the difficulties you really want to finish for each class of weapon, and a fast method for opening the Diamond camo in Call of Duty Mobile.
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How to get Diamond Camo for all guns in Call of Duty Mobile

To get the Diamond camo in Call of Duty Mobile, players need to get a particular number of kills with a weapon, for a specific number of matches. The quantity of kills and matches required varies relying on the weapon class. Players ought to remember that to open the Diamond camo challenges, they need to open Gold, Platinum and Damascus camo ahead of time for their preferred weapon. So, coming up next are the difficulties you want to finish for every weapon class to open the Diamond camo in Call of Duty Mobile.
- Assault Rifles: 10 Kills per match, for 150 matches
- SMG: 10 Kills per match, for 120 matches
- LMG: 10 Kills per match, for 120 matches
- Sniper Rifles: 10 Kills per match, for 120 matches
- Shotguns: 10 Kills per match, for 120 matches
- Pistol: 10 Kills per match, for 80 matches
- Melee: 500 total kills with each weapon
- Launchers: 100 UAVs destroyed with each launcher
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Best ways to unlock Diamond Camo in Call of Duty Mobile

In the event that you’re thinking about how to open the Diamond camo most productively, the best counsel is play Free-for-All matches in little guides, similar to Shipment, Killhouse and Nuketown. As may be obvious, it will take a few persistence and a ton of matches to open a Diamond camo, contingent upon the weapon of your decision. In this manner, it’s ideal to play short matches where you can pile up kills continually. Essentially pick the best loadout for your weapon of decision, and continue to stack those kills until you have finished the expected number of kills and matches. You could likewise take a stab at playing Hardpoint, as these matches keep going long, permitting you to get a lot of kills for each match.
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