Many new kinds of material were included Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak and Purecrystal are one of them. This mineral is really uncommon, yet we’ll save you a few time and direct you to where to track down Purecrystal in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak.
How to get Purecrystal in Sunbreak
You can get Purecrystal in the Floodest Forest by disapproving of metal hubs, yet just in Master Rank. Low Rank and High Rank won’t yield Purecrystal. Begin an Expedition Tour and pick A Tour of the Forest.
There are 16 spots you can dig for Purecrystal from the Blue and White Mining Outcrops. There are 14 outcrops on the upper level of the Flooded Forest and two on the lower level in Area 14.
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The best course is to go enemy of clockwise round the Floodest Forest so Area 1, Area 6, then Area 10 while disregarding the Mining Outcrops at the Pyramid as they are out the way. In any case, go ahead and go for them assuming you want heaps of Purecrystal, is the accompanying subsequent to bouncing on your Palimute:
- Area 1 x1
- Area 4 x1
- Area 9 x1
- Area 11 x4
- Area 10 x2
- You can get 9 Mining Outcrops in a short amount of time.
- Optional
- Area 14 x2 (Lower Level)
- Area 2 x3 (Top of Pyramid)
- Area 2 x2 (Behind Pyramid)
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What is Purecrystal utilized for in MHR Sunbreak?
Purecrystal is a mid-game material utilized in protection making. 19 bits of protection use Purecraft in the recipe, so contingent upon your construct, you might require a ton of it.
Purecrystal material uses
Astalos Helm (×1) | Hawkcoil (×1) | Vaik Helm X (×2) |
Ingot Helm X (×1) | Ingot Greaves X (×1) | Damascus Mail X (×1) |
Almudrom Vambraces X (×1) | Kushala Grip X (×1) | Hawksuit (×1) |
Ingot Mail X (×1) | Ingot Vambraces X (×1) | Utsushi True Greaves (V) / Medium’s Hakama (Light) (×1) |
Ingot Coil X (×1) | Jelly Hat X (×2) | Utsushi True Greaves (H) / Channeler’s Hakama (Spring) (×1) |
Gore Mail (×2) | Utsushi True Braces (V) / Medium’s Prayer (Light) (×1) | Ceanataur Coil (×2) |
Utsushi True Braces (H) / Channeler’s Hope (Spring) (×1) |
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