Looking for Pangeon Free PC Download full version! then what are you waiting for?
About Pangeon Free PC Download
Pangeon Free PC Download is a solitary player roguelike propelled by prison crawler works of art. Make a plunge directly into a prison on a self destruction mission to slaughter all the beasts.
Battle your way through to the lower part of the purported Pangeon – an association situated in a prison that we know next to no about (well, aside from the reality it contains something that can possibly devastate the whole planet Earth) – kill the wickedness, and spare the World from an expected misfortune.
The game additionally has a wellbeing bar and a mana bar. The wellbeing bar exhausts as you take harm. You recuperate with elixirs and things, for example, food – which you can either discover en route for nothing or purchase from a merchant. There are likewise wells that permit you to completely reestablish your wellbeing or mana. Fundamentally, this is the thing that you expect in most prison crawlers.
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Pangeon Free PC Download as a roguelike. It isn’t. The game doesn’t highlight permadeath or have procedurally-produced levels. So on the off chance that you were thinking about purchasing this reasoning that it is a roguelike, realize that it is anything but a roguelike.
To put it obtusely, the game feels like it’s incomplete, which is a disgrace since I do figure it would have potential if much more work went into it. The manager battles, specifically, have guarantee, albeit one specifically additionally has hit discovery issues. Be that as it may, the greater part of what you experience is as of now well-track and improved somewhere else.
You are dropped into the prison on a level called… the prison. You get your beginning stuff out of a chest and start investigating. It’s imperative to acquaint yourself with the stock and speedy opening menu as it’s somewhat cumbersome. In the room you begin in I saw a lockpick covered up under the table and thought “alright, my first shrouded region as of now”. Much to my dismay that was the second bug I ran over. It appears to be that lockpick might not have intended to be on the floor.

After you discover the exit to the primary prison you are presented to the sole allude to the story. A few people called Oberon and Aron state the prison is brimming with evil and that you should be apprehensive. Yet, at that point his next sentence says you should execute the Reviver and he will compensate you and gives you a saber.
When you beat the Reviver Aron says Proteus should be halted and makes an entry for you. Additionally in the room is where you get some stuff or mixtures. In spite of the fact that you don’t see Oberon again for the remainder of the game you do see the broker show up on various levels. Each time you address the merchant he gives a strange cheeky moan which was interesting.
There were different signs that the game was hurried and incomplete; you are given a key and some lockpicks, yet there was just a single entryway which required opening – which you can utilize the key for. So the lockpicks are useless aside from the reality there is an accomplishment for utilizing it effectively.
In any case, unfortunately the lockpicking minigame is more earnestly than the genuine game as it expects timing to stop the square in the right spot – despite the fact that considering different bugs it probably won’t be that my planning is off that I didn’t get the accomplishment. Another sign is that the last two supervisors in the game are smaller than usual managers. Any smaller than normal supervisors, yet one huge skeleton and one enormous fire evil presence, which is a gigantic let down.
The last sign was that I saw I stepped up while playing, and the words ‘new level’ show up over the wellbeing bar, however that is it. The first occasion when I played the game through I didn’t see you could expand your details when you level up. It was possibly through seeing when you pick the character you can build certain base details that on the stock screen right to one side hand side is the place where your details are. Here you can build the details when you level up however it isn’t referenced anyplace in game.
Pangeon Free PC Download just has around 8 or so levels and every one of them are very short. It very well may be speed-run shortly on both simple and ordinary trouble. The other character classes are made trivial by the length of the game and absence of provisions. The wizard and bowman depend on mana and bolts to be powerful and both mana things and bolts are at a higher cost than normal.
You must be exceptionally exact in your pointing or you should return to the scuffle weapon in any case. I didn’t take a stab at playing as the cheat as there is just a single entryway you can pick which you get a key for in any case and there was no particular hoodlum weaponry so it appeared to be inconsequential.
The game has a field mode where you can take on rushes of foes, yet when the primary floods of adversaries were bats and sludges where the hit identification is the more regrettable I lost interest extremely quick.
PC Requirements
- OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- Storage: 1 GB available space
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- DirectX: Version 10
- Graphics: GT 730
- Processor: Intel Core i3
How To Install This Game?
- Click on “Download” button.
- Download this game
- Open the Installer, Click Next and Choose the directory where to install.
- Let it Download Full Version game in your specified directory.
- Open the Game and enjoy playing.
If you have any query regarding downloading this game then feel free to ask anytime.
Released Date
According to the latest news, this amazing game is released on 2022. You must have a look at the full version of this amazing game and download it quickly from here to enjoy yourself.