
How to build a support Ganyu in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact permits you to fabricate the person’s in your group utilizing whatever ancient rarities and weapons that you will not. This, obviously, doesn’t consistently end well as many characters have sets they are intended to work best with. Ganyu is a flexible person that can be worked with two unique sets, one for DPS and the other for help.

Ganyu is an exceptional person as she is both a DPS bow client and a help unit. Her natural ability draws in foes, and her basic burst downpours cryo harm down onto the war zone. She offers sufficient chance for responses and can function admirably with a wide range of group comps.

Here is the best support build for Ganyu:

  • Two Piece Blizzard Strayer Artifact Set: +15 percent cryo damage.
  • Two Piece Noblesse Oblige Artifact Set: +20 percent burst damage.
  • Favonius Warbow: When Ganyu scores a critical hit on an opponent, there is a 60% chance of six energy particles being generated, this can happen every twelve seconds.

Best Party Members For Support Ganyu

Support Ganyu can work with a wide scope of groups. She can give steady cryo harm while her burst is dynamic, making freeze responses a breeze. She likewise can dominate in cryo comps, where she upholds characters like Ayaka.

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