Genshin Impact’s 2.5 Update is shutting in rapidly, and MiHoYo delivered a considerable amount of data in regards to it in their 2.5 Livestream Special. Many energizing things are coming soon, for example, new Story Quests and playable characters, alongside a few fun occasions and awesome prizes. One forthcoming occasion includes investigating Enkanomiya’s profundities, and outfits you with a new and exceptional device to do as such the Bokuso Box.
The Bokuso Box
The Bokuso Box contraption will open up during the Three Realms Gateway Offering occasion in 2.5, significance you’ll need to delay until Feb. 16 to scoop it up. Enkanomiya is experiencing a baffling debasement during this occasion, and you’ll require this clever little device to shield yourself from its destructive impacts, making the Bokuso Box an incredibly valuable apparatus to have.
Corruption in Enkanomiya
A debasement is spreading across the depressed place where there is Enkanomiya, and it’s dependent upon you to purify it. Once more some Teleport Waypoints found here will be burdened by this plague, making them unusable until you unlock them, utilizing the Bokuso Box to decontaminate them. It’s as of now indistinct assuming that different systems will be fixed also, however its most likely the case that Teleport Waypoints aren’t the main things beset by debasement.
Different foes will be engaged by dimness during this occasion, gradually becoming more grounded after some time. These fearsome enemies are hard to overcome, and some must be brought somewhere around cleansing them with the Bokuso Box. The Box’s energy stores will exhaust over the long haul, in any case, importance you’ll have to watch out for it prior to taking on any tainted adversaries.
Learning Bokuso Arts and opening new abilities
Your characters will be presented to Corrosion’s destructive impacts during this occasion, making their Health gradually channel away. Luckily for your group, this devastating status impact can be taken out by visiting baffling sculptures found around the area. They do substantially more than simply recuperate your characters or re-energize the Box, however you can likewise involve these sculptures to get to new capacities for your Bokuso Box.
Like Statues of The Seven, the Bokuso Box’s level can be updated by utilizing the sculptures found during Three Realms Gateway Offering. New Bokuso Box capacities can be gotten to by utilizing Light Realm Sigils found during this occasion, for example, expanded Corrosion Resistance, giving you a benefit while investigating this unsafe region. Light Realm Sigils give off an impression of being a vital part to enduring this occasion, so make certain to gather any you run over.
Notwithstanding new capacities, an assortment of buffs called Bokuso Arts can be opened for the Bokuso Box. To get familiar with these Arts, nonetheless, you’ll have to gather Light Realm Cores from the Luxurious Chests found during the occasion. These convenient buffs will give a gigantic benefit to your characters during this occasion, so invest some energy chasing down Light Realm Cores to place the chances in support of yourself!