
How to overcap decks in Hearthstone? (August 2022) Easy Way!

Despite the fact that you can have 30 cards in a deck in Hearthstone, at times you want to investigate. It was hard to do this with a 30 card limit, yet with the 23.4 fix, players can have in excess of 30 cards in their deckmaker.

What is the overcap feature in Hearthstone?

You can add in excess of 30 cards to your decks when you go to My Collection. Simply continue to add cards until the deck surpasses 30 cards. This is an overcap highlight intended to give you more opportunity in getting sorted out your cards. Assuming you escape that particular deck and into another deck, the additional cards will in any case remain in the deck.

Basically, the overcap highlight permits you to see different cards in your deck at the same time without having to quickly find the one you need to eliminate.

Could I at any point play Hearthstone with an overcapped deck?

You can’t play Hearthstone with an overcapped deck. The game will just permit you to play with the lawful number, which is 30. At the point when you play Hearthstone and take a gander at the decks you can utilize, it will give the idea that the deck has an excessive number of cards. To keep utilizing that deck, you can continuously go to My Collection and lower the cards to 30.

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