Minecraft players can create a seafairing versatile chest transporter with exceptionally straightforward making recipes. Known as the Boat With Chest, this should be possible from the get-go in the game, which is great since you’ll require it to investigate the best Minecraft seeds. To make any items in Minecraft, you’ll require a Crafting table and afterward you’ll have to coordinate the materials all put together.
The most effective method to make a Boat With Chest in Minecraft
The creating recipe is displayed in the picture above. You really want to put a boat and digging tool in the middle base openings and a chest in the center space. From that point, you can create a Boat With Chest and use it at whatever point you’d like.
The capacity of a Boat With Chest is equivalent to a solitary chest, meaning it has 27 spaces for players to use as capacity.
How to craft a Boat in Minecraft
Above, we have the recipe for creating a boat. Top off the three base spaces and the left and right openings with wooden boards. Then, put a digging tool in the center, and you can make a boat.
How to craft a chest in Minecraft
You can create a chest by filling all openings in the making table aside from the center one with a wooden board. The chest will continue as before no matter what the material you use. In any case, simply follow the recipe in the image above.