Monster Hunter Rise has enormous guides for the player to cross in their chase after the nominal monsters. The Sunbreak extension is the same. Luckily, Capcom has placed in sub-camps that permit players to rapidly navigate the guide and save valuable time during a chase. This is the way to find and open the sub-camp for both the Jungle and the Citadel.
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Jungle Sub-camp Location

The Jungle sub-camp is situated between zones seven and eight in the Jungle. After finding the region, players will need to go to Elgado and talk with Oboro the Merchant for a mission to lay out the camp. Oboro will request that the tracker kill eight Hermitaur, the little crabs that meander the Jungle in zones three and four. When complete, the new headquarters will be prepared to utilize!
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Citadel Sub-camp Location

The Citadel sub-camp is found north of region four in the upper east corner of the guide. Similar as the Jungle sub-camp, whenever it’s found, go to Oboro the Merchant in Elgado for a mission to lay out the camp. This time, he’ll request that you take out eight Boggis, which can be tracked down in zones six and eight. Once complete, make a beeline for Oboro to open the second new sub-camp!
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