Apex Legends Mobile Season 2 is at last here, and players will get to claim a few restrictive beauty care products by buying the Distortion Battle Pass. This time, the Battle Pass highlights Legendary skins for Loba, Mirage, and Bangalore. Likewise, there are several Legendary weapon skins for the R-301 Assault Rifle and Triple Take Marksman Rifle. Here is each weapon skin players can open from the Apex Legends Mobile Distortion Battle Pass.
Each weapon skin in Apex Legends Mobile Distortion Battle Pass
The Premium Battle Pass in Apex Legends Mobile costs 799 Apex Coins, while the Premium Pass Plus is around 1599 Apex Coins. There are 50 levels in the Distortion Battle Pass, and six weapon skins are conveyed across the levels. Players buying the Battle Pass will get all to open all of the weapon skins, and just two of them are accessible as free rewards.
Blast Adapter (Legendary R-301 Carbine Skin)
Accessible on the primary level of the Premium Battle Pass
Synthshot (Rare Spitfire Skin)
Accessible on level 10 of the Premium Battle Pass
Cyberwave (Rare Mozambique Skin)
Accessible on level 20 as a Free Battle Pass reward
Voltslang (Rare Volt SMG Skin)
Accessible on level 30 as a Free Battle Pass reward
Grid Blaster (Epic Hemlok Skin)
Accessible on level 40 of the Premium Battle Pass
Tarnished Triple (Legendary Triple Take Skin)
Accessible on level 50 of the Premium Battle Pass
Other than these weapon skins, fans will likewise get to see the new Legend Rhapsody assuming command over the Apex games with her melodic abilities. Additionally, Gun Game and Hack are the two new game modes added this season in Apex Legends Mobile. Improve your abilities in these modes prior to hopping into the positioned Battle Royale experience.
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