
Where to find your camera in MADiSON? (August 2022) Exciting Details!

You want a camera for basically all significant parts of interactivity in MADiSON. To get everything rolling with your moment photography ghastliness venture, you really want to track down the camera. While MADiSON won’t let you know where to look, we will!

Where could the instant camera in MADiSON be?

To find Luca’s moment camera while playing MADiSON, you’ll have to find the seat with the white gift box sitting on it. To get to the room with the seat, you want to initially ensure you are in Luca’s granddad’s home. You’ll begin the game in Luca’s home with his dad in the washroom. Utilize the mallet to get into the thin passage and into his granddad’s home. This is where you’ll have the option to get the camera.

The most easy method to find and open Luca’s gift enclose MADiSON

When you are checking out the passage in Luca’s granddad’s home, an enormous clock with a sheet over it will unexpectedly show up. Remove the cover from the clock to open the entryways in the hall. Presently, you’ll enter the one that is opened, the nearby down from the passage to Luca’s home. Here, you’ll see a seat with candles encompassing it.

Move toward the seat and get the gift box off of it. While reviewing the case, you’ll see it states it is a birthday present for Luca. Pick the choice to collaborate with the gift box. This will set off the order to open the present. Presently, you’ll have your moment camera prepared.

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